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7 Steps to Becoming A Network Marketing Professional by Eric Worre, A Book Review

7 Steps to Becoming A Network Marketing Professional by Eric Worre, A Book Review

To truly believe network marketing is better than a traditional job you have to understand the state of today’s economy. He makes his point about this referencing to how new technologies have taken jobs off the market. Once highly valued in yesterdays economy jobs and college educations where the only clear way to success. But not anymore. Today network marketing has proven otherwise.

More companies are going to the MLM approach to get their product out when fifteen years ago the choice would have been to create a string of store fronts. What corporations in the past spent on building stores, creating commercials on television, print ads now rather give to distributors instead. Eric emphasizes that jobs are not all coming back and one of the only ways to financial freedom for the average person is with network marketing.

Once this reality is understood he then moves on to label every network marketer into three categories. The first being a poser, then a amateur and a professional. He goes on to explain how many who think of themselves as professionals are actually amateurs or even posers. He explains this by the way they go about with their recruiting efforts and verbage. Just like anything else there is a right way and a wrong way to do things.

His point is that if you are going to get into network marketing you must decide to Go Pro not just try it and never make the effort to hone your skills. Enthusiasm is important but not knowing how to approach, respond and close professionally in a way that today’s society is more open to will break your business. Old methods of recruiting simply are not effective anymore.

Eric continues on to share his skills on effectively prospecting in a way that gets people to want to hear from you. The skills are finding prospects, inviting Prospects to Understand Your Product or Opportunity, Presenting Your Product or Opportunity to Your Prospects, Following Up With Your Prospects, Helping Your Prospects Become Customers or Distributors, Helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right and Promoting Events. He outlines also his direct and indirect approach to grabbing the attention of everyday people and then determining if they are fit to be a network marketer.

Though I barely scratched the surface on the detail in this book. If you are serious about not getting out of touch with today’s network marketing methods then you need to read this book. I give this book a thumbs up and a must read for every entrepreneur looking to either refresh their skills.