The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana is world renowned for its wisdom and incite that can be found in its writings. It is particularity well know for a very brief passage which discusses a variety of sexual positions and aids to the love making process. In this article, we will discuss three of the numerous standing sexual positions of the Kama Sutra.
What Were Vatsyayana’s Thoughts On The Kama Sutra Standing Positions?
To quote the author, “There are some lovers who despise soft beds and cozy cushions. Their pleasure is heightened by danger or discomfort. Some choose places where their union may be discovered; others practice the most hazardous positions. Others still seek risk and difficulty. Their pleasure room is a garden where they lay themselves open to being seen.” With those words in mind, let’s consider three of the standing positions mentioned in the Kama Sutra.
Knee – Elbow
A position rendered much simpler and safer with the assistance of a support structure such as a wall, the Knee-Elbow is a very erotic position for lovers to experiment with. In the words of the Kama Sutra, “If you lift your lover by passing your elbows under her knees and gripping her buttocks while she hangs fearfully from your neck, it is Janukurpara,” which translates to the Knee Elbow. This is a very interesting position with a lot of possibilities for the athletic among us though, if you are a bit out of shape, you might consider a strict exercise and training regimen prior to this experience.
Stag is a leaning position of the Kama Sutra that provides for a very sensual experience for both partners. The Stag position is accomplished by the woman standing with her back to her partner, usually assisted by leaning against a steady structure such as a wall or fence. The man approaches from behind her and joins with her. Then both can make whatever motions suit their own needs and the needs of their partner. Another variation puts the woman standing but then leaning forward at the waist to brace herself with her hands by touching the ground.
“If you catch one of her knees firmly in your hand and stand making love with her while her hands explore and caress your body, it is Tripadam (the Tripod).” – The Kama Sutra
Aptly named, the Tripod of the Kama Sutra is yet another position for the contortionists among us. With this position only three out of the pairs four feet will touch the ground at any given time. In the different variations, the woman will wrap one leg around her partners waist and rest her heel on the back of his knee, rest her foot on her partners chest just above the heart, stretch one leg up and over her partners shoulder or have her partner extend his arm and cup her foot in his hand while they are making love.
A Word Of Caution
While these three positions may sound enticing, please be sure to know your physical limits before beginning. As awkward as these positions can be to get in and out of, it can be even more awkward to explain to your in laws or coworkers just how you pulled your hamstring or slipped a disc in your back.